

Some months ago, French and European business surveys started showing a growth in the hiring difficulties of firms. Is this growth caused by a tighter Labour Market and a labour supply shortage, or by a stronger sensitivity of firms to hiring delays? Considering the extent of the recent transformations of the Labour market, it seems necessary to take into account all the dimensions and sources of tightness on the Labour market: labour supply and demand mismatch, turnover, etc.

Labour market tightness comes indeed from diverse and non-exclusive causes. It may for instance be linked to geographical mismatch or to the firms’ hiring processes, whereas for some occupations or industries, there are more specific problems of qualification and of mismatch between the firms’ need for skills and the qualification level of the available labour force.

All of these questions will be addressed during the conference, with the participation of French and international researchers, but also of local and national operators, in order to better understand the issue of Labour Market Tightness and Need for Skills.



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