
8h30 Welcome of the participants
9h00 Opening of the conference
by Muriel PÉNICAUD, Minister of Labour
9h15 Session 1 - Labour Market Tightness and how to measure it in France and Europe

How can one define labour market tightness? May one assimilate it with hiring difficulties?
Which indicators are used in France and in other countries?

How to measure Labour Market Tightness in France?
Michael ORAND, Dares
Key lessons from around Europe on measuring the labour market tightness

Session 2 - Supply and Demand Aspects of Labour Market Tightness

What are the sources of labour supply and demand mismatch? What is the link with the firms hiring processes?

Demographic changes and Labour supply: the German situation
Geographical mismatch and unemployment in the U.S.
Giorgio TOPA, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Tightness, Difficult Recruitments and Employers’ Efforts The lessons from the OFER survey
Véronique RÉMY and Bertrand LHOMMEAU, Dares

12h45 Lunch
14h15 Session 3 - Limits of a Skill-based Approach

Is a skill mismatch-based approach more relevant than a job-based approach? How can one measure skills?

Skill mismatch in the OECD countries: Piaac survey and Skills for Jobs indicators
How does Piaac contribute to our understanding of the labour market and its tightness?
Thomas BREDA, Paris School of Economics
Measuring skill needs with O*NET: strength, limitations, and alternatives
Michael HANDEL, Northeastern University
Labour market tightness in US manufacturing: a skill issue?
Andrew WEAVER, University of Illinois
16h00 Panel - National and Local Initiatives on Labour Market Tightness
Hosted by Régis DE CLOSETS, journalist

How are labour market tightness indicators used by professionals? Do different stakeholders (public employment service, regional operators, firms…) use them differently? What are some recent initiatives on this topic?

Frank CÖRVERS, University of Maastricht (Netherlands)
Pauline GAY-FRAGNEAUD, Observatoire régional des métiers PACA
Son-Thierry LY, Didask
Catherine POUX, Pôle Emploi
17h15 Conclusion
by Selma MAHFOUZ, director of the Dares (French Ministry of Labour)

*speakers may be subject to changes

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