header ministère du travail
All break out sessions in English are interpreted into French, except: In French only
See abstract/introduction:
See biography:

Tuesday 26th January 2021 - 16:00 - 18:15

1 - Risk assessment framework: a common vision?
Gérard Lasfargues (Anses), chairman , Thomas Burke (John Hopkins University) ,
Richard Brown (WHO) , Myriam Merad (CNRS/UNICE)

2 - Computational and predictive methods for risk assessment: issues and promises

David Demortain (LISIS), chairman , Frédéric Bois (CERTARA) ,
Kathryn Guyton
(IARC) , Jean-Lou Dorne (EFSA) , Anax Oliveira (LHASA Limited)

3 - Le droit à l’épreuve de l’expertise scientifique : acteurs et pratiques en tension ?
Christine Noiville (CNRS - ISJPS), modératrice , Elsa Supiot (ISJPS) ,
Didier Truchet (Paris 2) , Denis Zmirou-Navier (HCSP/CNDAPSE)

Tuesday 2nd February 2021 - 16:00 - 18:15

4 - Risk communication in the digital and fake news age
Brice Laurent (CSI), chairman , Lynn Frewer (Newcastle University) ,
Dominique Cardon (médialab/SciencesPo) , Jocelyn Raude (EHESP)

5 - Biotechnologies: Risk assessment, technology assessment and responsible research and innovation

Pierre-Benoît Joly (Inrae), chairman , Claire Marris (The University of Edimburgh),
Stephen Hilgartner
(Cornell University) , Ben Hurlburt (Arizona State University)

6 - (Re)Framing circular economy: What place for a systemic understanding?
Louis Laurent (INRS), chairman , Charles Bodar (RIVM) , Clark Miller (University of Arizona) ,
Walter Stahel
(Product Life Institute) , Michel Héry (INRS)

Monday 8th February 2021 - 16:00 - 18:15

7 - Que mesure l’évaluation de l’intégrité scientifique ?
Mathias Girel (ENS), modérateur , Olivier Le Gall (OFIS) , Stéphanie Ruphy (ENS)

8 - Mobilisations sociales, science et expertise : entre participation et contestation

Alain Kaufmann (UNIL), modérateur , Marcel Calvez (Université Rennes 2) ,
Philippe Chamaret (Institut Ecocitoyen) , Johanna Lees (LASSA)

Tuesday 9th February 2021 - 16:00 - 18:15

9 - Endocrine disruptors: Did EDCs disrupt conventional risk assessment and management?
Robert Barouki (Inserm), chairman , Angel Nadal (Miguel Hernàndez University) ,
Stéphane Horel (Le Monde) , Ann Crabbé (University of Antwerp)

10 - Pesticides regulation and health and the environement challenges: Strengths and weaknesses
of regulatory sciences facing uncomfortable knowledge and societal demand

Jean-Noël Jouzel (CNRS - CSO), chairman , Laura Beane Freeman (NCI/NIH) ,
François Dedieu (LISIS) , Evangelia Ntzani (Brown School of Public Health)

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